Weekly Recap (Jan 13th - 19th, 2025)
Discover Weekly
- NOT A TOY - Gutter Kid
Release Radar
- Sara - Vaeltaa (Pretty good. They're dropping a new album soon, I saved it to my Spotify library. Which is currently too full, but anyway... I'll get to it eventually.)
- Ennaria - Jealous (Sounds good! 💖🤘)
- Architects - Blackhole (Pretty good! A bit... How do you say it in English... My dictionary says "dull" but that's not what I mean. I mean "even", but in a bad way. A bit boring. So I guess "dull" is the right word... It's pretty standard metalcore, nothing too exciting. Just ok, not amazing.)
- messier - Baskervilles (Yey, go childhood friend! - the singer, we were friends as kids - the song's good. His singing is a bit nasally, I'm not a fan of that sound, but you know... to each their own.)
- Hidden Renaissance x Chaos1.0 x Alkane - meteor (Alright! I like his voice, very clear annunciation. His flow could be more versatile, though.)
- jen x Dad's Last Nerve - Paint The Town Blue (Blaah. A poor woman's Ashnikko. If you do a cover, at least make it sound like you and don't just copy the original like you're a high school band just starting their career and learning to play...)
- LUNA KILLS - LEECH (It's a solid metal song. I remember liking a lot of their songs? I followed them.)
- Banshee - PERFECT ANGEL (Eh, it's alright. I prefer the heavier stuff she released a few years ago. This is getting closer and closer to alt pop, losing that unique sound she had.)
- MC Rhymes x Token - Homesick (Nice. I love Token. Imma follow MC Rhymes. Lets see what he's like.)
- nothing,nowhere. ft. iamjakehill - Bullet
- Paleface Swiss - Don't You Ever Stop (Haven't listened to the new album yet. I like how this sounds. It's a nu metal revival and I'm living for it. I loved My Grave / Lay With Me, I'm glad other people are catching up and talking about this group!)
- Operator - Extinction On Our Hands (Good example on the modern metal sound, "octane metal" or "octanecore" like they say - named after the American radio channel. Quite a rare topic for a metal song, though - saving the planet. Parents must love this band for their preteen metalheads. It's giving "white metal" vibes, I can't help it. Lol.)
- Dal Av x Jackson Rose x Darknet - GHOST_TOWN (A well made metalcore/deathcore song. I like it.)
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