Knox Hill | Kendrick Lamar "Not Like Us" Remix (Scru Face Jean Diss) (Lyrical Breakdown, Part 1)

Everyone else seems to be calling him Scru and not Jean, so I'm switching to that.

Ok, so in the video in the beginning, that's Stevie Knight reacting to someone (Scru?) reacting to some video. I think that's Ez Mil on the video, the one Scru is reacting to? His channel name is apparently Cornhusker TV.

In the next clip, it is confirmed it's Scru's channel. Apparently they had some beef - Scru didn't like Stevie and said something negative about his boxing career or something, and then Stevie reacted to that and said he's returning to boxing, and then Scru watched that and was like "I don't wanna fight you, bro". Knox put it in black and white and put some raining effects and 'sad violins' on it. 😂 So funny.
(Also, Scru is apparently a racist, so the black and white serves as a visual double.)

Without the context, it's Scru shouting out "village people", in the Philippines and Nigeria especially (Ez Mil is Filipino-American, he was born in the Philippines), and then saying something about "Coontubers" and apparently Stevie's fans and Stevie himself agree that he was referring to Stevie. I don't see it, but 1) I've only seen this clip 2) I don't know Stevie that well, I've only seen a couple of videos by him.

But I don't get what does this have to do with Knox, I didn't hear him being mentioned once.

-- I happened to read a comment today and if I understood it correctly, Scru did a diss track about Knox first.


Narrative manipulator

Non-fiction imitator

Drama instigator

Simulator for the paper

I don't know Scru, but I think this is Knox's description of his character, of the kind of person he is. One of those people who manipulate the narrative and create drama to suit their own objectives.
Many girls are like this in elementary school (7 to 12 years old), you either play or get played. After that, most of them start to grow out of it, but some people never do. As kids boys can't really keep up with it yet, but in my experience they catch up by their teen years. From teens to adults, some people just do not care about others the way the rest of us do, I don't know how the heck does their brain work, assuming they're not narcissists, psychopaths, sociopaths or have a VERY low self-esteem because of i.e. depression or an eating disorder. Like, there really are people out there who have no personality disorders, no significant trauma, who still do not care about other people even enough to be decent towards them. If a narrative that's inaccurate and unfair benefits them, they choose that over one that benefits them even slightly less. I've met these people, they're SO toxic.

I think there's a spelling error in the video? It says "simulataor" instead of "simulator".

Family lies run deep into your lines

A predator, you predicate fakes

Let's talk about your mother fakin Medicaid claims

Oh, I'm excited, because this is my area of expertise! I'm a librarian = I am the expert of finding information and assessing if it's true or not. And after some digging, I got these bars covered.
Also, here are my merits: I have a Bachelor's Degree from an UAS in Finland in Library and Information Services and about 3-4 years of work experience combined in the field in the past 7 years (a lot of part-time contracts, weekend gigs, etc).

Here's a rundown of what I did:

In the video, Knox has a clip of a news article during these lines. I googled the headline and the newspaper's name and found the article. It's behind a paywall (1$ for 3 months), which means whatever I managed to read from the website using totally legal measures isn't something I can actually share... Which kinda sucks.

I read a little bit about the newspaper and the journalist who wrote the article and they seem legit. Lincoln Journal Star is a daily newspaper published in Lincoln, Nebraska, the most widely spread one in the city and second biggest in Nebraska. It's history dates back to 1867. The journalist is an university graduate and has 8 years of experience in this magazine alone (my source didn't cite the journalist's total years of experience).

If you live in Nebraska, check your local library for the paper. If you study in an university in the USA, check if you could access the article through your school library. What you're asking for is if they pay a license fee for Lincoln Journal Star. The articles you want are "Former Lincoln therapist gets probation, jail" and "Therapist accused of phony Medicaid billing" (some licenses are billed per article read). If you want to take copies of the article for personal use (not to share online, just to read by yourself), ask the librarians about it. They should know the legality of it in your state. In Finland, it's legal for an individual to copy i.e. newspaper articles and excerpts of books for personal use. Or you can pay the 1$ for three months. That's a very fair price! The biggest newspaper in Finland, Helsingin Sanomat ("Helsinki News") is 12,50€ a month, and Kaleva, the biggest newspaper of Northern Finland, is 0,25€ a week. But through libraries, they're free for everyone to read, because the libraries are paying for them.

A side note: In typical manner for a librarian, I'm very much an advocate for open access, which means that I think scientific information should be freely available for everyone. Newspapers are not exactly "scientific information" - there isn't the same level of research and peer review done - but I'd extend the same principle to newspapers as well. Everyone should have access to reliable information. 

From the article, I found out the ex-therapist's name. Assuming they spelled her name correctly, her last name is one letter off from Scru Face Jean's real name. It is a very uncommon last name, though. According to, there are max 10 people with either surname in the entire world (8 of one, 10 of the other). They didn't list Scru at all, so I'm not 100% convinced, but still. It is certainly uncommon. Both spellings. 
And both the ex-therapist and Scru live in Lincoln, Nebraska, so I'd say it's very likely they're closely related.
(In case anyone needs the information: The best source for how common a Finnish surname is is this one: It's the official website of Finland's Digital and Population Data Services Agency.)

Knox is claiming the therapist is Scru's mom (the bar is "Your mother faking / Your motherfucking --"). Based on what I found out, I'd say it's very probable.

The word "lines" might indicate that Scru has talked about this in his lyrics, as well. I don't listen to his music, so I don't know.

It's sick you take advantage

While you designate gains

Playin victim on our tax dollars

Delegate blame

"Sick", "Medicaid" - this rapper thing where they like to tie their bars together by theme.

I think this is aimed both at Scru and his mom.

You the black Uncle Sam pointin fingers to obtain

Uncle Sam is the personification of America. He's most well known for the army recruitment posters during World War I and World War II. Knox is saying Scru is recruiting people for his cause, and calling him "black Uncle Sam" gives the impression Scru is trying to appeal to other black people to join him on his cause.

The Finnish Maiden (Suomi-neito in Finnish) is the personification of Finland. She's both the young and vulnerable nation of Finland that needs protection (independent since 1917), but also a mother figure, protecting her people. Finns also see Finland (as it is on a map) as a maiden - she has a head and a dress, but only one arm after we lost one to the Russians.


You both frauds

Mari spoke the truth when he called you a con

Seems like Knox doesn't like Uncle Sam, calling him a "fraud" - he is a controversial figure. We learned about him in school.

After some digging, I think Knox is talking about a YouTuber named 954mari.

Guess it runs in the family

You both got bars

Prison time, picture time, sit and smile

How's the tea?

I know you wanna get a mug shot

Snitch you ain't a gunna

Bars, prison, sit (=do time), mug shot, snitch. Tea, mug.

Tea, like gossip, which may or may not be based on truth, i.e. "Knox has some tea to spill on Scru".

Mom has the prison bars, Scru has rap bars, so they "both got bars".

Knox has a fun comparison of posing for a mug shot and posing for a school picture. We just took a group photo of the entire town's library staff of around 100 people, can relate. :D

Hmm. I'm probably over-reading into bars, but "a shot" is also a portion of alcohol you take, typically ~4cl. But if you take a whole mug's worth of booze as a shot, that's 1-2,5dl. If someone would want to get a "mug shot", they'd feel like taking a shot because life feels fucked, but they feel like the regular sized shot wouldn't cut it. So they'd drink an entire mug filled with booze at once.

Why you talkin bout a thug? Stop

Anything to get "rico"

You evil for the payroll

Tu no eres la cultura

Solo eres un pendejo

Rico = rich
Tu no eres la cultura = You're not the culture - Knox has used this line before, discrediting people from their heritage when they're acting up
Solo eres un pendejo = You're just an asshole

I had to look up "pendejo" :'D In hindsight, I think I've heard it in a tv show or a song before, but were certainly not taught this in school :D
But in this blog, we appreciate learning all the words. Knowledge is power. People are going to use the words whether we know them or not, and knowing them gives you the advantage of understanding what people are saying and the power to use or resign from using certain words - use that power well. Here's the possible translations of "pendejo" into Finnish (from
1. häpykarvoitus 2. mäntti 3. paskiainen (alatyyli) 4. kusipää (alatyyli) 5. mulkku 6. hidas 7. typerä 8. tyhmä 9. tollo 10. hidasälyinen 11. vitun 12. runkkari 13. persereikä 14. verkkainen 15. dorka 16. häpykarva 17. lusmu.
1. Pubic hair 2. Jerk 3. Little shit (about a person). "Paska" would be "shit". 4. Usually translated as asshole or shithead, literally this means "pisshead", though. A person who's an arrogant jerk. Like Scru. 5. Dick. Literally and figuratively. 6. Slow 7. & 8. Dumb, stupid. 9. Moron 10. Slow-witted 11. Fucking (the adjective, not the verb), the Finnish equivalent of the English "fuck" doesn't mean "to have sex", it means "cunt/vagina". But it's as versatile as "fuck", so that's a more common translation for the swear word. 12. I guess I'd translate this as "fucker", but literally, it means "a person who masturbates", not "a person who has sex". So I guess "jerk" would work as well, because of "jerking off", lol. 13. Asshole. Literally and figuratively. 14. Sluggish 15. Dork, jerk, idiot 16. A pube hair. Singular, where as the first word is the whole thing. 17. Jagoff, I think? A negative descriptor for a person who is lazy and smootches off other people.

Give this man a Tony sellin lines like it's Yayo

 Tony is the biggest award given to people in the theater field.

My first thought was Tony from the movie Scarface, but apparently there's also a rapper named Tony Yayo, who is a real life rapper and criminal.

Sell lines like sell what you're saying vs. sell lines of a drug, like cocaine

You a "hole" wire my money to the mole/mold

That's play-dough

 I think I've seen play-dough molds, but I don't think I've ever used one. We just sculped stuff out of it on our own. And then it was impossible to separate the colors and it all became gray over time. If you left it out in the open, it would dry and you couldn't mold it anymore, but if you packaged it wrong and didn't touch it for a while, it started to grow mold. Eww.

A-hole, like asshole.

Saying he's "a hole" and "a mole" sound like he's snitching..?

Got a leek and a leech

Suck it up, fuck it up

Like a freak on the "sheets"

 Leeches are worms that suck the blood of other animals.

If someone's "freak on the sheets", they're kinky. Ties to the bar about "fucking". (Pun not intended but 🤣 oh gosh...)

A leek or a leak? One is a vegetable, the other one's a figurative mole.
The only things that come to mind about leeks are some Finnish soups, and the meme where Hatsune Miku is spinning a leek while a weird version of the Finnish folk song, Ievan polkka, is playing... The founder has since stopped making it / died, so the original site is no longer there, but here's the song, with a different animation:
The site contained meme GIFs, songs and facts about mushrooms/shrooms. It was psychedelic and fun and amazing. A precursor of The Vibe, as I'd listen to some songs for hours on end when I tried to get into a zone of doing something.

I think Knox has a leak, a mole inside Scru's fan base or family or something. I'm thinking a fan, if this person is both "a leak" and "a leech". Scru is not the one snitching, it's the fan.

What you mean?

Who you bleed?

She a teen?

She eighteen? (Woah)

The allegations about minors I mentioned in my Initial Thoughts post. Any kind of sexual crimes, even allegations of ones, are taken extremely seriously in this blog. I prefer not talking about those people (known by name) out loud, as I boycott them, so I can't really comment on their work, but occasionally they do come up, i.e. recently when Kendrick Lamar and Drake have been dissing back and forth. I've only heard Kendrick's side of things and have no regrets. I can listen to Drake when he's dead, if I ever want to. Which I doubt. I've heard his music in passing on Billboard etc, and it ain't that good. I don't understand why people put up with his well known predatory behavior for the shitty/mediocre music he makes. I stopped being a fan of Marilyn Manson, Till Lindemann of Rammstein and Maynard James Keenan of Tool right away when I found out they're shady people. And their music is great, like Manson < Rammstein < Tool = each one is better and more influential in the metal scene as the previous one. Today's music market is so oversaturated ANYONE can be replaced. Stop supporting people who actively hurt other people, like sexual predators, sexual assaulters and rapists.
For the research of this post, I didn't watch a single video by Scru Face Jean. I clicked on one accidentally, but instantly clicked away. I don't want him to gain views because I'm trying to understand a Knox song. Or for any reason.
I don't even give a single fuck if Knox made the entire thing up. Scru is banned in my books.

This man tough

He just aim for entertainment

Twitter fingers tweetin "cuts" (the second receipt)

Scru did a freestyle to the same beat Knox did, the Drake diss beat. I didn't know that's what the beat was for, until Nik Nocturnal made a YouTube Short where he used the beat in a metal song, where he apparently dissed Drake (can't make out any of the lyrics, though, he screams them all). It was kinda hilarious, him jumping onto a hiphop beef :'D But that's what he does, his channel is "fun metal things". This was a fun metal thing. Also, fuck Drake.

Scru "tweeted", or whatever it's called now that Twitter is X, the numbers he was supposedly making.

Ben Shapiro did the same, btw. Exaggerated how successful his collab with Tom McDonald was. Tom is a known edge lord, of course he's gonna pull a certain number of views, some of which are fans and some of which are haters. Shapiro is smart in the sense that he knows how to play people and affect people. He's politically savvy. I just HEAVILY disagree with him. He's very much anti-trans, for example. I will never stand behind that. 

Speaking of anti-trans, I want to share something: Recently, there was a YouTube short of a cis woman compiling an outfit based on a Bratz character. Someone commented "I love it when women" - intentionally cutting the sentence off, as sapphic people love everything women do, it's an inside meme. I said something along the lines of "word", like, I agree. Someone commented after me "Yeah, when REAL women, not this trans shit" or sth. Like... what?? 1) She's not trans. Where did this hatred appear from? 2) Sure, have a preference, don't have sex with pre-op transwomen. But calling them "not real women" is SO transphobic. Plus, you wouldn't be able to tell before seeing their private parts. Case in point, I stood out for trans women and responded to the transphobes leaving comment. One of them said "Don't worry, I'm into men too, so you're safe." Implying I'm a trans woman, who's biologically male. Which I'm not. I'm AFAB (assigned female at birth) and genderqueer. I responded "I'm not a trans woman. I'm pansexual, but one being a transphobe is SUCH a turn off!". He hasn't responded back. Also, this the 2nd or 3rd time EVER when a person doesn't assume I'm a woman. #accidentalally, your comment felt validating.


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