Ashnikko's next era - my speculations

I don't know what this era and the new upcoming album are called yet, but for those of you from the future: I'm talking about the post-Weedkiller era.
I've seen several short form videos on IG and YT, and heard the live version of Itty Bitty she performed when she was opening for Billie Eilish in December.

Lyrically, we have a song about an alter ego of Ash's wearing a tiny skirt to a club, where she works as a prostitute. (For convenience's sake, I'm refering to the alter ego as Ash from now on, but I think it's an alter ego whose name we don't know yet.) Visually, we have skimpy clothing, girly hairstyle, massively long lashes, "baby talk" voice, acting like a ditsy airhead bimbo, a headpiece with a praying mantis, mousetrap and a stiletto, and loads and loads of pickles.
Oh, and in one clip a guy was laying on the ground in front of an ATM, and Ash and a girl stepped on him, the guy handed Ash and the girl his credit cards and then Ash and the girl used the cards on the ATM.

The first thing I got was the song lyrics. She prefaced the performance by announcing that she and her GF Arlo had broken up in early 2024 and this song was inspired by the breakup. As a writer, Ash often pours whatever she's feeling into her song lyrics, without filtering it through the lens of mature adult brain logic - "should I be feeling this, am I being childish or selfish or unreasonable, am I overreacting?" etc. So, I think this song is feeling spiteful towards an ex who just dumped you - either a "look at my body - this is all you're gonna be missing, you ain't never getting this again!" or perhaps Arlo has accused Ash of being too slutty in her art or in her personal life and Ash is like "You think I'm a slut?? Imma show you a slut!" Just speculating, I don't have any inside scoop or evidence pointing in this direction.

Next thing I got was the pickles. She made a short video of her making a drink out of a spirit (vodka, I think - lmao, she's "got the spirit") and pickle juice, and then she drank it and ate the pickle. I don't think she talked in that one. In another clip she had a birthday cake made of pickles and she baby talked sth like "I'm just a simple, little, pickly-wiggly gurl, just a pickle guuurl, I love pickless (!!)😍😘💖🥒" Etc. Reminded me of Marilyn Monroe, because of the voice and delivery.
It's obviously a twist on the saying "to be in a pickle", right? To be in trouble. Except Ash is eating and drinking the pickles, so the pickles are in her. Someone else is in trouble.
And a phallic symbol. When she eats the pickle, one might imagine her blowing a guy - until she takes a bite. Ouch.

And then we get the praying mantis, the stiletto and the mouse trap, and the ATM clip. 
And I think this era is Ash being "a trap" - she's hot, half naked, acts like she's dumb... She's attracting a (dumb) man's attention, luring him in and then taking his money and possibly his life. I'm saying "a dumb man's", because I don't think decent men would fall for it. Dumb men who think women are dumb and easy to exploit fall for schemes like this. 
My theory explains the ATM - taking the willing simp's money, not just for herself but for her friend as well - lifting women up, putting dumb men in their place (and leaving decent men alone, but that's besides the point). It also explains the stiletto - a shoe that restricts a woman's movement and ability to run away, but can also be used as a weapon. It explains the praying mantis, a bug where the female mates with the male and then kills and eats him. Ash is a "trap" in the sense that she acts like a slutty bimbo girl, but is actually a strong, smart, dangerous genderfluid person, who will exploit and hurt you.

I've also seen the nails, but I don't get them yet.

And she's had these kinds of themes before:
- Daisy is about a fictional serial killer who lures in and kills rapists, and uses daisies as her calling card. Source: Ashnikko "Daisy" Official Lyrics & Meaning | Verified
- Possession of a Weapon is about how church and other conservative people see women's bodies and sexuality as something deviant, to be burned at the stake for being a witch or locked up in an insane asylum. They're projecting - they're attracted to the women, which is seen as bad in their circles, and they blame the women for being so darn attractive. But, because of the affect their looks have on men, women can weaponize their bodies and control men. This is my interpretation of the lyrics and video.
- Don't Look At It is about sexual teasing. Ash saw this woman who was half naked and very attractive, and would not-seriously say stuff like "Naaah, staaahhpp, don't look at meee! 😉😏" and give the spectators different poses and Ash thought that was hilarious and wrote a song about it. Source: Ashnikko Breaks Down 'Weedkiller' Track By Track | Making The Album, timestamp 17:00.
- Halloweenie VI: Possess Me can be considered a transitional piece between the two eras. She's luring a person to their death, but it's a woman instead of a man.


The hat, the behavior: oh hi i guess???? - YouTube
A pickle birthday cake and the alter ego talking about it: ashnikko | dirty little birthday pickle 🥒 | Instagram It was posted on Ashnikko's birthday and the "cake" has 29 candles (Ash turned 29).
Her making the drink out of Smirnoff and pickle juice (you have to have an Instagram account and be signed in to see this, it's marked as 18+, maybe because of the alcohol): 

While finding these links, I also came across one where she said that for the new album, she's gonna be (or the album's gonna be) "the essence of hole". She was talking about the vagina and the butthole and the short skirts, but as always, I think there's something deeper there (pun not intended, lol). It could be the vagina (symbolizing sex and giving birth) or the butthole (symbolizing being a butthole), but it could also be i.e. feeling down, feeling depressed, as if you are in a hole. (Get your mind out of the gutter! Or don't, maybe the gutter is a type of hole as well... 🤔😂)


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