Weekly Recap (Nov 18th - Dec 29th, 2024)

Discover Weekly
- Realecta x Kate Nord - Ritual (Very unique music, I've never heard a combination like this before! Electronic, folk and classical.)
- SHUSH x XELAVISION - BLADE (This goes so hard!! 🤣)
- MOSSBACK - Ivy Mike (I love Grim Salvo and everyone involved 🖤)
- Mike's Dead - Bite Down (This a banger! Different from the other songs I've heard from them. Even more of a reason to do that Deep Dive, once I have time to do those again...)

Then I took a sick leave for a bit over a month. I'm still not 100% well - it was shingles and I'm still experiencing chronic fatigue and nerve pain. Even if I sleep 9-12h a night and might even take a nap (which I never normally do, I just can't sleep in the middle of the day), I'm tired most of the time, both my brain and my body. So if I seem out of it or dummer (than usual) or make more spelling errors than usual, that's why. Sometimes the nerve pain is manageable with pain meds, but sometimes holding the phone or a pen hurts my palm or typing on a keyboard sends bolts of pain up my fingers. The type of pain varies - it can feel like a sunburn, like a bruise, like a muscle ache, like a sandpaper scratching the skin or like a small cut. 

But I just need to create. I need to write and draw and get thoughts out... I need my outlets. So I'm gonna try. I'm gonna be gentle with myself and not return to the schedule of three posts a week just yet, but I am gonna write some things here and there again. Just winging it and taking it easy.
And today I want to listen to Discover Weekly for this week, so I needed to release the old one to make room on the file of the notes app I use to write them.


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