Weekly Recap (Nov 11th - 17th, 2024)

Discover Weekly

- South Arcade - DANGER (The song is ok, but even more than the song itself, I take interest in their genre description, "Y2Kcore". -core used to mean it's a music genre combining elements of some other genre with hardcore punk. Then Gen Z made it to mean anything being the "textbook definition" of something, like this band's music genre - their music is theoritecally embodying Y2K as a whole. I assume they mean the 2000s, even though no one called it that back then. I see it as: "2000s" or "00s" or "the new Millennia" is the years 2000-2009, and "Y2K" is the Gen Z revival of that.)

- TSS - KILLING ME (I like this sound, there's something about it...)

- VyOk - Paranoid Love And Demons (He says he has no genre. Idk about that, but this song is basically modern nu metal. There's rap, metalcore screams and ethereal electronic music combined into one harmonous mix.)

- Sophie Powers x Ashley Sienna x Slush Puppy - Obsessed (Very interesting music. I like both Sophie Powers and Slush Puppy and didn't see this collab coming.)

- Prtty Ridiculous - BLACKOUT ("Sounds like Billie Eilish and Nine Inch Nails stole your car XOXO" No, I don't hear it... It's not alt enough. Billie Eilish - the Billie who'd steal a car, aka the first album Billie - is all whispers and horror armosphere. NIN is filthy and dirty industrial music.)

- REEBZ - Thanatosis (🖤)

- Frayle - Burn (It's haunting. I like it.)


Release Radar

- Poppy - the center's falling out (She's a "core" artist now? Ok, that's cool!)

- VUKOVI - MISTY ECSTASY (I've been loving VUKOVI lately. I want to do a Deep Dive on their music, but don't currently have time to do those if I want to keep up with the three posts a week schedule that I have.)

- Unlike Pluto - 50 50

- The Foreshadowing - Eyes Of A Dawn

- Linkin Park - Two Faced (What is it with people not knowing how to spell anymore? Pluto, it's "50/50" or "50-50". Linkin Park, it's "two-faced". The song's alright. I saw the thumbnail of Nik reacting to this and he seemed excited, but I think it's a bit meh.)

- Raja Kumari x Stefflon Don ft. Jarina De Marco - Renegade (I like her rap, although she sounds a bit too much like Nicki Minaj. I can see people being confused about that. Hook is annoying as fuck. Will not be listening that again. She has much better songs.)

- Epica - Arcana (My playlist has so much Arcane I had to check if this is connected somehow. It's not. And the name would be spelled wrong anyway. It's about a tarot card called Arcana. I like how epic this is.)

- Lex Bratcher x Sophie Hunter - SMASH! (Collab of the week?! Lex has collabed with Knox and DAMAG3 and now Sophie?? I like her already.)

- Bou x IRAH x Kanine x Trigga - Wicked & Dark (I know Kanine, I don't know the rest of these guys. I think one of them is a beatboxer?)

- VOLA - Bleed Out (I love it. I need to add them to my Deep Dive list if they're not there yet.)

- Cane Hill - I Always Knew We Were Doomed (Same thing. Too cool to ignore any longer. The list is kinda massive as it is, but at least they're not forgotten, like "oh yeah, I was kinda big into them, like, a decade ago". -- Cane Hill was already on my list, VUKOVI and VOLA are now added.)

- same with Disillusion

- Hangman's Chair - Kowloon Lights (...and Hangman's Chair. This song is a bit too power metal -ish for my taste, but in general they're great.)

- The Browning - Come to Grips with Death and the End (As I was writing those previous names and saw The Browning, I thought "but not The Browning, they're so heavy I barely even like it" but then this song!! I wonder if they've done slower/softer songs like this before...)


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