Wu-Tang Clan (Three Song Listen)

 I probably won't understand shit about their music, if the description of the Finnish Wikipedia page is accurate: "Wu-Tang Clanin musiikki on muuttunut huomattavasti ajan myötä, mutta ominaisuudet, jotka määrittelivät yhtyettä alkuaikoina pätevät siihen yhä: RZA:n uraauurtava sample-painotteinen tuotanto, sanoitukset, jotka sisältävät runsaasti slangisanoja ja 5 Percenter -terminologiaa, kappaleiden ghetto-teemat sekä viittaukset Kungfu- ja Hongkong -toimintaelokuviin." = "Wu-Tang Clan's music has changed notably over the time, but qualities that defined the group in their early days still apply: RZA's groundbreaking sample heavy production, lyrics that contain plenty of slang words and 5 Percenter terminology, ghetto themes of the songs and references to Kungfu and Hongkong action movies".

DAMAG3 mentions RZA in a song, so that's the first thing that makes me excited to listen to this band. Well, the first thing is that I know they're GOATs, that's why I'm doing this Three Song Listen, the 2nd thing is that I like DAMAG3 and DAMAG3 likes Wu-Tang Clan, or at least RZA (her bar is "three in the sacred alphabet, bitch, I'm RZA"). I like it when hiphop artists use samples, especially non-hiphop samples. Hiphopheads are so often stuck in their own little music bubble, not listening anything besides hiphop, and using non-hiphop samples introduces them to other genres of music. I do not understand most of the slang words they use in hiphop - 2 years ago I didn't know what "cap" meant besides the hat. I don't know what 5 Percenter is (I tried googling, but...) and I don't watch kung fu movies. But here we go.

I picked the songs by googling their biggest hits and picking random three songs from the bunch. Those ended up being Protect Ya Neck, C.R.E.A.M. and Method Man.

Protect Ya Neck

I like the "old school" vibe. Idk how old school it actually is, but it reminds me of old school Finnish rap. I like the sound, it makes me feel nostalgic. Idk if this is old school on purpose or if this came out when this wasn't old, it was just... school? 😂 Ya know?

I didn't really focus on the lyrics, but I think I got the gist of it.


Apparently stands for Cash Rules Everything Around Me. Clever. Also, I remember the "dolla dolla bill, yooo" part.

Method Man

I know there's an artist called Method Man, did he take his artist name from this? Or is he one of the members? -- Googled, yes. Method Man is one of the members of Wu-Tang Clan.

I don't understand why the intro has to be recorded and put on a song? This is the type of stuff men joke about and meanwhile the rest of us are like "??? But why tho ???" Why is it funny to joke about assaulting your homies? I don't get it. I put the first two songs on my Rap & Hiphop list, but not this one.

Closing thoughts

Not something I'd choose to listen on my own. Don't get the lyrics right away - might if I tried, but I have no interest to. I don't mind hearing their music in the future in passing or if a song/album is recommended to me, but I don't think I'll ever have a moment of like "I need some Wu-Tang Clan, right now!" It's not like Katatonia or Banshee or Ashnikko are to me, where listening to them is a need.

But these guys have the success they have for a reason - the fact that I don't get it after listening to three songs is just ignorance on my part.
