Ashnikko - No Brainer (Lyrical Breakdown)

Before starting this breakdown, I didn't really have a clue what it's about... I've understood a bar here and a bar there, but not the entire song as a whole.


This is it, this is all you ever wanted

This is all because you want to say you done it

Now you mixing with the greatest, laughing, "ha-ha-ha-ha-ha"

Now you're laced with all the ladies, now it's na-ah-ah-ah-ah

 A person wants to say they've done something. Could be a thing they can tell as a story later on, like a crazy achievement of some sort (like the Mile High Club for example)?

Or it could be that he wants to say he's "made it", that he's successful now? Because in the third bar, he's "mixing with the greatest", he's mingling with the GOATs.

But then he's "laced with all the ladies"...
Lacing is when someone's drink is spiked with something, when they're drugged against their knowledge. Most often the victims are women and it happens in a social situation where it goes unnoticed, like a bar or a party of some sort. Everyone's drunk anyway, no one's gonna notice if someone is high as well. The intention is usually to take her to another location and then rape her there once she passes out.
The guy thought he made it big, that he achieved a certain level of status and was part of the in-group, the GOATs, the elite, whatever it's called in that context. But he wasn't, they're just dazzling him and then using him and fucking him over.

He's a ride or die, I ride his face forever

Tip me over, I like all types of pressure

Tippy-top, tip me over, now it's "oh my, oh my god"

Future butter like it's solar, now it's always summertime

"Ride or die" means someone you're extremely loyal to, on whose side you stand on no matter what. If they're going down, you're going down.
Ash has a play on words here, taking that expression and turning it into a sexual double, where she's riding his face.

Next bar is also a sexual double - she was riding his face, and says "tip me over" - it's his turn to get his pleasure, But also, she's saying she likes "all types of pressure" - not just sexual pressure, she also likes to be pushed to a limit in other areas of life, she's not afraid of hard work and stress and in fact, she likes the pressure, she works better under pressure.

"Tippy-top" can be the very toppest part of a top of some kind, but apparently it's also a certain kind of a spinning top, the children's toy. It's round and when you spin it, it will naturally turn over and start spinning on it's stem instead of the round part.
...Ok, yeah, I see where this is going 😂 These lyrics are so dirty...

When you leave butter in the sun, it melts. What this image brings to my mind is that how he treats her, in and outside the bedroom, is making her melt, figuratively. He's making her heart melt and feel all warm and fuzzy 💖He's also smooth, like butter.

Tell me what you need

Tell it to my manager, he'll tell you, "pay a fee"

Ooh, I fuck it up, I can't wait for you to see

You said your girlfriend wanna marry you

But now she's here with me

 Why is she saying she's fucking it up..? I don't see it.
I see that she is so high up and unreachable that you can't even talk to her, you gotta go through her manager and then pay to get her to do anything.
I also see that despite just having sex with a dude, she's now after his or someone else's girlfriend.
She's pansexual, it's not unheard of for her to be with a dude and then with a chick, but... How do these fit in the same story? I thought she was happy with him?

"Fuck it up" could be sexual..?
Or a double, where Ash does something, which involves this guy and her manager, and then that's a fuck up, and results in Ash ending up with his girlfriend instead..? Idk.

I say, it's a no brainer now

Now I'm in this bitch vibrator now

Now I'm making waves and craters now

Tell me, tell me, who's gonna restrain me now? 


 Now, this one I get. This one I've understood since I first learned what double entendres were and was like 🤯

The entire chorus is a double.

First meaning is that she's having sex with a woman. She's in her vibrator, fucking her, and the vibration is causing the woman's body to jiggle, to make waves. The woman orgasms and her mind goes blank ("no brainer"). The last bar "who's gonna restrain me now?" in this context is a reference to bondage - if the woman she's with is having a mind-blanking orgasm right now, who's gonna tie Ash down? No one.

Huh... "To tie down" could also be a triple for "settling down" into a committed relationship... And that'd make it a triple, and also tie the whole song together (pun intented). Yeah, she fucked the dude and it was great, he was great, but Ash doesn't like to be tied down and moved onto the next sexual conquest, this woman.

Second meaning is that it's a "no brainer", it's obvious, that talking about her sexuality this openly and being this vulgar is going to "make waves", have an impact and cause some people to not like her, either because they're queerphobic or because they're prudes and don't think talking and behaving like this is ladylike. I think the "craters" might be a reference to her song Blow, which is a bit similar to this one in terms of it's premise? In that song, "blow" was a triple for blowing up as in becoming successful, blowing up as in becoming angry at someone, and blowing a kiss to someone else's girlfriend. And in the last bar, she's asking "who's gonna restrain me now?", like, who's gonna stop me from doing what I'm doing, from being this successful in my career and with my sexual conquests? I'd like to see you try.

Who's who? Who's made it? Who's nameless?

You still taught the same shit, talking out your anus

You big head, you're brainless

You skidmarks, I'm stainless

I'm fresh out of patience, I'm sick of all the sameness

 Who's made it, who's successful and known by people, and who's nameless, a nobody that no one's heard of?

This guy think's he's a big deal and Ash is saying he's not. 
- She says that when he "teaches" us that he's made it, he's "teaching" us "the same shit" and "talking out [his] anus". To talk shit = to say something that isn't true, to talk out of one's ass = "to exaggerate, to lie, to speak nonsense" VS. an obvious double for shit coming out an anus, a butthole. 
- "Big head" = conceited or arrogant, using the word "brainless" makes the song's title "no brainer" a triple and "big head" a double, since if his head would literally be big, it'd be even more obvious if he'd be brainless, you know? His head is full of whole lotta nothing. He's full of himself, and he's nothing. He hasn't made it, he's nameless, he's a nobody.
- Skidmarks are shit stains on underwear. He's talking out his anus and all that comes out is shit, so... 
- Ash is stainless, no skidmarks. No BS, she's clean. She's "clean with it" = good at it.
- Also, apparently steel can also have skid marks - they're scratch-looking lines on the surface of steel. Ash is stainless steel, he can't skid mark her. This song is just riddled with doubles! :D
- "Fresh out of patience", so she had been patient, but just run out of it, she's done now. She's "sick of all the sameness" - maybe sick of all men or people being the same in the end (like, "you're all the same!") or maybe sick of people being unoriginal... or both.

I'm not in your circle, baby

I'm hot like a thermal, baby

And I'm a controversial lady

I'm popping like a kernel lately

 She's not in your circle, she's out of your league, in multiple ways. You wish you were allowed to hang with the cool kids, the tippy top, but you're not, they're just using you. Ash is with them, though.

Some obvious doubles, like "hot like a thermal" and "popping like a kernel". But since we don't treat anything as obvious in this blog, here are the bars broken down:
- If a person is hot, it means they're sexy, or that they're a "hot topic", something people are talking about a lot
- Thermal is an insulating material of some sort, it keeps warmth inside it 
- If a person is popping, they're gaining success, people are talking about them
- When a corn kernel is exposed to oil and heat, it pops and becomes popcorn. Just like Ash, a corn kernel pops when it's put under pressure.

Six syllable (slant) rhyme scheme, I marked it with colors. (Technically repeating "I'm" in every bar makes it a 7 syllable rhyme scheme, but...) I went ahead and marked the rest that I notice as well, even though it's mostly just a 2-3 syllable external rhyme scheme. There's a lot of slant rhymes, though, and using similar sounds over and over again, which technically counts as internal rhymes, so...
She's waaaay underrated as a rapper. Is she the fastest, or has the most innovative flows ever? No. But her doubles, triples, quadruples are insane, and her slant rhyming is out of this world. She's an excellent song writer and doesn't get enough credit.

Tell me what you need...

I say, it's a no brainer now...


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