Knox Hill - Kendrick Lamar "Not Like Us" Remix (Scru Face Jean Diss) (Initial Thoughts)

 Another surprise drop, but that's what tends to happen with disses, people move fast.

I'm so tired, I was actually considering going to sleep, and it's not even 10pm yet. Was watching this long YouTube video, I think it was like 45min or sth, and then Knox posts to Patreon something about him being dissed, I don't get that it's a song dropping in less than an hour, so I'm like "Alright, I'll finish this video and then go see what this is about" and right as the video finishes, YouTube is like "premiere starts now" and I'm like "Oh! A song!" And click on it and get commercials, so I end up being late to the song. 

You can tell I'm tired when I get all rambly. Well, sometimes it's that, and sometimes it means I don't know what the hell I'm talking about, so I just write down everything that comes to mind. Which is fine, at least it's better than the days when I don't feel like writing anything, because I feel insecure about not knowing things, even if I did know them. Anxiety's a bitch. I prefer being a bit rambly and off topic over that. At least it shows I don't give a fuck, that I feel confident SOME of the stuff I ramble about is valuable information to SOMEONE. And this blog is, first and foremost, an outlet for me, and a sort of personal note section, 'cause I listen to shit ton of music (like, top 16% of all Spotify listeners - that much) and don't always remember songs months after hearing them. This has been very useful in both of those ways, as an outlet and as notes to come back to.
And it does come with rambling. This is just my brain, spilling onto the keyboard (figuratively). This is what it looks like in my head. 

The song was fire. I already like the beat, and I think Knox did it justice, his rapping was very good. And no annoying hooks or anything (I have a problem with hooks, I'm picky).

I don't know who the heck Scru Face Jean is. There were some clips in the beginning, but I was like

I had no idea who half of those people were and what was going on. I saw a comment where the person clearly recognized this guy's name. (He has a long name, I'm gonna call him Jean from now on.)

I caught some of the bars - well, technically all of them, since they were on the screen - but, you know, I'm tired and my brain can barely work in any language at all right now, let alone catch English rap bars that have like a gazillion layers. I'm getting better at it, but my brain still wants to translate each word as one word based on context. It doesn't translate them into Finnish, but to just... concepts, that my brain can understand. Like, if he said "cap", I don't have to think "in Finnish, that word is 'lippis'", no, I'd simply get a visual image in my brain of a cap, the hat. And rap going so fast, I'd miss it if in the context it also meant "a lie", "valhe". 
In the bars that I caught, Knox had some allegations of Jean sleeping with minors?
He also had some receipts, but they were not shown during the bars he had about the minors, so I think they're about something else.

I'm starting the lyrical breakdown / general lyric rambling about this song's lyrics tomorrow, I just can't today. It usually takes me around 5h with Knox's songs, and I have to be asleep in 40min.


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