Knox Hill ft. Jarren Benton - On To The Next One (Initial Thoughts)
Let me start from the negatives so I can leave this with a positive note:

- Lyrics are just boasting with money. Which makes them boring and slightly enraging at the same time. Boring, 'cause it's such a cliche topic in hiphop. Enraging, 'cause he gives off this "poor independent artist" vibe, and seems truly grateful for the money people give him in Patreon whenever he talks about it. Lyrics like this make him seem fake.
- Some of the lyrics on the video are using that unreadable font again. I'm not breaking this shit down, there's nothing to break down. "I got a lot of money and designer clothes, haters gonna hate." There, the entire 2min 40sec song summed up in one sentence. 0% creativity.
- Knox's flow is very good, as always. He's a very good rapper, and a true MC and I wish songs like these were below him. Don't have to be serious all the fuckin time but at least make it interesting!
- I've never heard of Jarren Benton before but god damn! I already thought the song was a bop, despite the garbage lyrics, and then his verse came and oooh myyyy goooood!! 😲 His flow was so good I couldn't help but start bopping my head to it and then I was lipsyncing along the last hook because that verse was just... everything. The lyrics suck, bit otherwise, the song's a banger!
- Knox hoped this would be on people's gym playlist. Nah, mate. This ain't it. Doesn't get me pumped up like that. My gym playlist has some Knox songs on it, though.
I'm sorry, I promised to leave on a positive note, but when I wrote "garbage lyrics", all I could think about was this image 🤣
That trash bag is the lyrics. They're trash, but at least they're fancy, expensive, boujee trash! 🤣
Don't take me too seriously today, I love Knox. I didn't like the lyrics, I did like the instrumental/musical aspects of the song. I'm just being extra savage about it because my own week has been so crappy. I don't even know where to start, and my brain is telling me no one even cares how I'm doing, so yeah... Fuck my life, and fuck this trash banger song. I'm outta here.
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