Knox Hill - BBL Drizzy Freestyle (Initial Thoughts & Lyrical "Breakdown" 2/2)

 "Initial" thoughts

Since this is my second time hearing the song and I heard it first about 12h ago, this ain't really "initial", though, but anyway. Some things I thought about yesterday when hearing the song, that I was too tired to type, I was literally dozing off over and over again, trying to stay awake enough to type out the paragraph that I'm done for the day. 😂
(The good side of Knox's song dropping times being when it's evening here - I usually have the time to get on the song, join the premieres, etc. The bad side of it - I'm usually very tired, so I don't have the energy to break down bars properly right away, but I don't trust myself to get on it later, either, so then I just end up babbling away for hours on end when I should really go to sleep and get on it on a better time. But that better time never comes - adult responsibilities get in the way of hobbies, lmao.)

I talked about the excessive name shout outs a ton yesterday, so I think I'll leave that thought pattern there.

I've studied Spanish as well, but mine & Knox's accents are very different! I don't know why. He's from the US and has lived in Spain and to my understanding, in multiple different countries in South America. He mentioned Brazilians in the beginning, so I think that's the accent he's going for. My teacher was from Chile. Plus, I watched Mi Gorda Bella (a Venezuelan telenovela) and Los Serrano (a Spanish drama comedy) back then, so my accent is probably not just influenced by me being Finnish and my teacher being Chilean.
I think there might be two factors here: 1) the differences between Finnish and English pronunciation - Finnish speakers pronounce every letter of the word and pronounce them the same every time, where as English pronunciation is more complicated 2) He's learned his Spanish mostly by interacting with locals of the countries he's lived in, where as I've learned mine mostly from textbooks, a little bit from entertainment.
I think the latter is a bigger factor here - many languages tend to shorten words in speech, but not in writing, especially in formal or official contexts like textbooks. The grammatically correct Finnish is very different from the spoken Finnish. Finns will understand you if you speak like that, and most are nice enough to speak you in the same manner so you'll understand them as well, but you will stand out as someone who's obviously a foreigner and sound like a news reporter or a textbook.

The beat changed/grew into a more hiphop beat from the Latin influenced one in the beginning, and Knox effing killed it <3 I still struggle hearing the beat and the rapping simultaneously, even though that's what rappers do, they listen to the beat and rap to it. I just hear the rap and my brain compares the bars to each other instead of the beat and finds patterns there. Flow, cadence, rhythm, rhymes, etc. And then I have to go back if I also want to focus on the lyrics, because I get so caught up in how the rapping sounds (the technical aspects of it I just talked about) and words lose all meaning. I guess this is what years of being exposed to metal does to you :D The music is too complicated anyway, the brain cannot keep up, so one might as well listen to the same songs over and over again, noticing more and more stuff. And in certain subgenres, the screaming is so extreme no one understands it, so the lyrics are their own separate thing sort of, that you only hear in the song once you know them by heart. I do get more out of a metal song on the first listen than from a rap song, though. And I'm much better at listening to rap than a year ago. So I think I'll continue to get better at it, the more I listen to it.

In the end of the video, there are a bunch of black and white images of various people. My guess is that these are athletes and musicians from PG that have passed away. Usually you'd see their names and year of birth & year of death under the name, but Knox doesn't feel the need to add those there. The people who get it, will get it, will recognize the faces. I don't.

The lyrics

I don't know what this song is about as a whole, so I'm just guessing here, based on the lyrics. Just having fun, don't come at me for my lack of knowledge or make the mistake of considering me a valid source on this. I am not. I am just one hiphop newbie from outside the US, who is here to learn, not to pretend like I know what I'm talking about. If you want to learn with me or are for some other reason interested in what I see in these lyrics, then by all means, keep on reading.

Ay shoutout my Brazilians man

We all need a lift on this

You know I don't speak the language

Pero en español:

soy un problema

Dale los Latinos

Manos arriba pa esto


Knox Hill

(I got this)

"Need a lift", like, need a pick me up, need something to cheer yourself up.
vs. Brazilian butt lift, a BBL, the cosmetic surgery procedure.

Idk what he's talking about not speaking the language, he speaks it fine.

"Pero en español" = "But in Spanish"
"Soy un problema" = "I have a problem"
The next two lines I don't fully understand, something about latino men, or latino people in general.
"Vamos" = "Lets go"

Ay Drizzy I'm "PG"

White kid from the county, count it 

They talkin about sticks, Canadian Mounties

Talkin bout clicks

It may be accounting

Only thing you shift is surroundings

Look at me

(Look at me)

Largo you can count it

Barcodes on my counters

Knox is a white man from PG County, Maryland, USA.

He's saying "count it" like the person he's talking to in this song isn't counting PG? Like, the person has listed a bunch of other counties / areas but forgot or ruled out PG? That's what I see, I have zero context on this song.

If something sticks, that means it stays on your mind, you learned something.
If something clicks, it means you didn't understand something in the past and then "something clicked" inside your brain and now you understand it. Like how Knox's breakdowns and Ren's Hi Ren made hiphop click inside my brain and now I understand it (don't know much about it yet, but anyway - my brain finally understood what's cool about it, as a music genre, and how rapping works, in theory).

Clicks can also be clicks on the internet, computer mouse clicks.

The person Knox is talking about "shifted [his] surroundings" - he used to live in PG, but moved out? And has since forgotten his roots, which I think have something to do with Brazil and PG, because he forgot to mention or intentionally left out PG from whatever he was listing.

And then there's the overarching... shit, I forgot what it's called... anyway, he says a bunch of words as doubles that all sort of go together. And it has a word, when rappers do this, but I can't find it in my brain.
Words like "count" (like counting money), "accounting", "shift [assets]", "barcodes" are all related to each other.

Largo is apparently a place in PG, the street sign is featured on the video.

Idk what he means by "barcodes on my counters"... Counter can be a desk sort of thing at a store, or it can be one of those devices you can count stuff with by clicking them. 

Marlboro - you want smoke? Get a pound in / poundin

Unpack it

Quit comparin me to these rappers

In the video we see a sign for "Town of Upper Marlboro", so it's a place, I'm guessing in PG.

It's also a brand of cigarettes - hence the words like "smoke", "pound" - like you'd buy it in pounds I guess if you get the loose leaf stuff in a bag that you roll yourself, instead of pre-rolled cigarettes, "unpack" the pack of cigarettes, and he didn't point this out in the lyric video, but when you unpack it, you unpack it from a "wrapper".

I still don't know what it means exactly, when a rapper is giving another rapper "smoke", but it's not a good thing for the other rapper. Is Knox "threatening" someone from Upper Marlboro? If it's in PG as well (and it is, I checked), why? Or maybe Knox is the person from Upper Marlboro and is "threatening" someone with the smoke? Idk. 

Edit: Oh no, I came back to re-read this and I see sexual innuendos in "poundin" and "unpack it"... 😂 Are they real or is my mind just dirty? 😂

Better watch how you step son

Step son, like in a blended family. I.e. who I count into being my family is my mom, my stepdad, my two brothers, my brother's girlfriend, my step sister and my fiancé.
But also like, "watch your step", watch how you move about this, watch what you do. Be careful, I'm warning you.

The family matters

Quit Irk/Urk-in me 

Family Matters

Come clique with the nerds

I get at 'em (Adam)

That was a tv show, Family Matters, and it had a nerd character named Urkel. They never showed it in Finland, though, I only heard about it as an adult through YouTube.

Family matters, like family is important.

If something or someone "irks" you, they make you sick, you don't like them.

I don't know if Knox is in the clique with the nerds or getting at the clique of nerds. And why. 

Edit: Family Matters was a song Drake dropped during this dissing back and forth! I didn't know this, since I have tried avoiding Drake's music for years now, including reactions. I don't want him benefitting financially from my clicks and views if I can avoid it. No matter how hard he's trying to scrub the search results right now, people already know he's a fucking predator. That's how I found out this song title as well - Ready to Glare is a YouTuber who does true crime related news content, mostly exposing pedophiles, and she's talked about Drake before and is now talking about him again. Here's the video I paused to write this edit:

It's apples and oranges and flowers

You snakes never mattered

Apples and oranges - both fruit, but not really things you can compare to each other, because they're so different after all. And flowers are even more different - plants, but not even fruit.

If a person is "a snake", they're toxic, maybe even somewhat dangerous. You don't want to be around them, you despise them.

Apples and snakes from the Bible. God said to Adam and Eve that they can eat the fruit of all the trees in the garden of Eden, but not this one particular tree, or they'll die. Then the snake tricked Eve (mentioned later in this song) to bite the apple (or, a fruit, the translation is a bit hazy on if it was actually an apple, but I digress) and Adam (mentioned earlier in this song) just stood there apparently, and then when nothing bad happened to Eve, Adam took a bite off the apple as well. Etc.
(And yes, my version of the story is influenced by a feminist take I happened to read about Bible stories once. Deal with it. I think she had a valid point.)
In the Bible story, I'd definitely say the snake mattered.
But in whatever Knox is talking about, the snake didn't matter. It was about the people choosing to take a bite of the apple or orange or whatever on their own, snake was there to urge them on with it, but not really needed for the thing to happen. They would have done it by themselves sooner or later.

I'm flattered

The fact is you EVEn think we are at odds

They clickin for Hill's/heels

The wizard of Oz

EVE is a rapper, but she's not from PG, she's from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It's not far from Maryland, though. (Unless I'm mixing her up with another Eve, I think I've seen another artist named Eve as well...

Knox is flattered that this guy thinks they're at odds, that they're disagreeing on something..?

But people are clicking at Knox Hills videos and songs, not this other dude. I have a hunch of who this might be aimed at but... I might be wrong.

The the movie Wizard of Oz, the protagonist Dorothy needs to click the heels of her shoes (I think three times?) in order to get home. When I think about the movie, I think of: 1) How the 1939 film adaptation was the first film ever to have color, and color film was so expensive they decided to use it as an artistic tool, where the world of Oz is in color and Dorothy's home in Kansas is black and white. 2) How queer people have interpreted the movie as a closeted person dreaming of a day when they can exit the closet. "Somewhere over the rainbow..." and so on. Which is one of the reasons Judy Garland is a queer icon, despite not being queer herself. 3) Those shoes, the movie prop, are hella expensive! One of the most expensive movie props ever. Like, not expensive to make, but expensive because the movie was so successful. There are five pairs she actually wore in the movie, the most expensive pair being worth 3,5 million USD today.

They playin the field

I'm Phil with the guards/gods

On this Mic/Mike like I'm Kobe

Some kinda sports metaphors. Playing the field in a sport, vs. hustling with multiple things or getting involved with multiple partners at a time. I'm guessing Phil is an athlete and his team's name has something to do with guards/gods?

And if we think about "playing the field" as getting it on with multiple partners at once, then I guess Knox comparing himself to Phil means Phil has stuck with the same team for a long time, since that comparison would describe how Knox isn't "playing the field", he's loyal to his wife.

Knox is on the mic, 'cause he's a rapper, VS Mike Kobe, I think I've heard that name and have a vague idea he might be another athlete? 

Ya'll Fish'in just dish it

Fish is a dish, it's a thing people eat.
A person can be fishing for attention or compliments for example. Being needy, craving validation.
"Dish it" is slang, I had to google a little bit to decipher that one, but it means Knox is telling this person to reveal or expose information they got.
Oh, that's another way to interpret "fishing", fishing for information. Trying to find something out about someone.

"Ya'll" ain't a word, btw, the correct spelling is "y'all", meaning "you all". Wouldn't get it right myself without googling, though. It looked wrong here, so I happened to google the correct spelling.
So, he's addressing multiple people then?

I'm guessing Fish is a person or a place, since it's written with a capital letter.

Ya'll Pippens just dribble like infants

I do it I swish it

I'm Nike with vision

Move right on pianos

I'm high-key I'm gifted

Don't know who Pippen or Pippens is.
Infants dribble and drool a lot.

Nike has the slogan "Just do it".

To move right, like do something right.
To be "high-key" is to be obvious, over-the-top or intense (the opposite of low-key).
VS. When you move right on the piano keys, the notes get higher and higher.

The mad, McCann

I might be the one that they missin (look it up)

I tried looking it up, I found two McCanns. One is an advertising agency, the other one's Madeleine McCann, a little girl who's been missing since 2007. I seriously doubt Knox is Madeleine, so... 
I did what he asked, I looked it up, and I still don't know what he's talking about.

They wanna trade for me they tell me to switch in

I kill it for dough/doe

They know the flow thumper

"To kill it" = to be very good at something. "Dough" as in money, he's good at rapping and making money with it.
VS. If there's an unidentified body, the victim of a kill, they're called a Jane Doe or John Doe. But Knox didn't kill Doe, he killed FOR Doe. Like an avenger.

How they gon shoot?

Oh shoot, it's 22's

They ain't got No Jumper

These old comers

They don't want heat

Man it's bout to be a cold/Cole summer

First bar could be, like, "how are they going to play this", "how are they going to move about this", something like that.
But obviously a double for shooting with guns, 22's to be exact.

Googled No Jumper because it was written with capital first letters, and it's a YouTube series / podcast, hosted by a guy named Adam22 and about hiphop, so that must be what Knox is talking about. But this is the first time I'm hearing about it, so...

"Old comers" :D like the opposite of "newcomers". There's this beef going on, between J. Cole, Drake and Kendrick Lamar. Drake and Kendrick are going at it, but J. Cole has been quiet, and even gave an interview where he apologized for the things he said in his diss track about Kendrick and backtracked and said he loves Kendrick's music.
From my perspective, that's fine. It's not that different from what Ren did with his King Dotta diss. Ren started the song like a regular diss track, but then was like "you know what? no. let's change the culture. lets spread love and not hate." J. Cole may have expressed it differently, but that's essentially what he did.
I don't really get the battle and beef and that side of hiphop culture yet. I probably will, in the future, when I've learned more about it.
In metal, everyone is kind of just doing their own thing, and then subgenres are tools metalheads use to describe their music and other's music, so that they can find more of it, talk about it and recommend it to others. There's no competition. Metal isn't about financial gain or success. It's music by the outcast, for the outcast. Metal musicians make their art, share it with the world, and hopefully find people who vibe with their art. And all metal musicians and metalheads listen to everything metal and outside metal (that they like), there's no rivalry, like, "if you like this subgenre/band, you can't like that one". Metal musicians make metal because they love metal and they love when others do metal. Not to be better at it than others or to put others down. It brings all metalheads together, globally. With the internet, even more so, when all of the music and the other fans of any band are few clicks away. Trying to one-up others and put them down is all this whole beef & battle side of hiphop seems to be, if I look at it purely from a metalhead's perspective.
Sometimes I wonder what am I even doing here (trying to break down rap bars, that is). And then I hear another rap song I like and get excited about it and there we go again :D I love hiphop. I just feel lost sometimes, when I don't understand some aspect of it, be it the slang, the names, why is it wrong to apologize for being mean, etc. I wish I had a friend who was into hiphop, so I could bomb them with stupid questions. The only hiphop head I know personally is my step sister, and she's 14, I doubt she could answer any of my questions...

So, it's gonna be a "cold summer" 'cause J. Cole apparently doesn't want the "heat" from Kendrick.

But shoutout the GOATs

I'm raisin a toast

I'm burnin the bread and I may get a Ghost

Raising a toast, raising a glass in honor of someone, in this case the GOATs of hiphop.
Toast is a type of bread as well.
Had to google "burning bread", but it's a slang expression for "jinxing something for someone", "causing something bad to happen to someone by mentioning it".

... Did Knox just say he's gonna (figuratively) murder a GOAT with his pen? If he's raising the toast, but then burning it, which results in a Ghost? Why does it sound brutal and metal AF to me rn, the man is literally talking about bread?? 😂 (Bread is sooo not metal, it's way too fluffy.)

Idk why is Ghost written with a capital letter. It's a hard rock / metal band, but the band has nothing to do with toast. It has to do with religion, and Sweden and the question "is this really metal?". 

Like hold up

Call Quentin Miller

Caught up been-the-stealer (distiller/Ben Stiller)

Googled Quentin Miller, seems like he's a hiphop ghost writer. Idk if he stole songs from someone or if someone stole songs from him. At least one headline said he hasn't gotten paid for some of the Drake songs he's written, and Drake is involved in the beef Knox mentioned earlier in this song, and Drake's face was also in the beginning of the lyric video for this song, among someone else, but I don't recognize the other person.

No Dodgin them shots

My car's parked in your spot

Go shoot at me from that garage

Thinkin I care?

Thinkin I'm there

Thinkin I'll stare/steer

With no action, boy quit the actin

Come shoot direct

Like you the threat

On the YouTube

Like who's who? 


Someone's after Knox, but isn't direct about it. They're hiding, shooting shots from afar and not confronting Knox head on. Knox is asking the guy for "direct action" - to come and face him about it, instead of sneak attacking through i.e. legal actions or YouTube strikes or whatnot. If you do that, Knox isn't just gonna sit quietly and do nothing, he's not going down without a fight.

Also, action is a movie genre, and people act in movies, so there's doubles.

I'm sick of opinions of who I should diss

They shootin at me but they move to a script

What you gon pull? You pullin for clicks

Ain't Pushin no T's you ain't movin no clips/Clipse

Be careful I know where to dig

I got some opinions of who he should diss, I just keep them to myself :D It's not my decision to make. Can't believe someone has the audacity to ask that, omg!

Keeping up the theme of "action [movies]", "acting", with the "scripts" and "clips".

"I'm sick of opinions of who I should diss / They shootin at me but they move to a script" to me sounds like the person/people who asked Knox to diss certain people of their choosing have an agenda and they're seeing Knox and his talent and platform as means to an end, to further their own cause. Which is wrong 1) Because I don't think it's right to tell someone who to diss. I may not understand this whole beef/diss thing, but it does seem hella personal, not something you do because someone else asked you to, but because you don't like about something another person said. It should come from how you feel, not how someone else is feeling. 2) I know it's hard sometimes, but people should at least try to be self aware. You have the right to have your opinions and views and values, but you should stop and ask yourself why you have the opinions, views and values you do. Be aware of your own biases and try to see other people's opinions, views and values from a neutral standing, as well as you can, and consider why they have the opinions etc that they have. People love finding patterns in things, even if there are none. A very simplified example I just made up: A person lives in a small town, where he knows everyone. One day, a stranger comes to town, befriends the guy, steals some money from him and leaves. The guy is hurt by this, as he thought they were friends, but moves on with his life. Another stranger comes to town and does the same thing. Now the guy's brain forms a pattern here: "everyone who is a stranger is a thief, they want my money". And then he never trusts a stranger again, he's hostile towards all strangers. Pattern recognition can be useful in order to protect us and to figure shit out, but it can backfire as well, like in this example. Be aware of the patterns your brain has formed and why it has formed them, and if they're based on reality or your own bias.

Pusha T is a rapper, Clipse is a hiphop duo consisting of Pusha T and No Malice. I've heard of Pusha T before, just googled Clipse.

"Be careful I know where to dig". This is a warning to whoever was "shooting from the garage" and whatnot, indirectly going after Knox. He's got sources and places to dig up some dirt on you, so quit while you still have a chance.

Muddy the water these leeches'll cut us

"Leeches'll" xD Man I love the English language. The part of my brain that hears English every day in music etc sometimes wants to make combinations like this, because I try to write like I would speak, but then the part of my brain that studied English at school for 10+ years is like "nope, nope, incorrect, don't do it!!" 😂 But I think I get why Knox did it. "Leeches will" would have three syllables - "lee, ches, will" - and he needed two, so: "leeches'll" = "lee, chesll" it is.

Nice bar! Very descriptive again, visually. Like metal lyrics often are. More poetry and figures of speech, less shouting out names and places and brands and such that will definitely go over a person's head just cause they don't, i.e., watch sports. You do you, boo, I just prefer bars I actually understand 😂 Knox has the right to write whatever kind of bars he wants, and I have the right to form an opinion about his bars and express it. 

Leeches are animals that cut a person or an animal with their tiny sharp teeth and suck their blood, and they live in muddy waters. That's the double.

But the meaning behind that - the figurative leeches, the people who try to tell Knox who to diss, are lurking in the muddied waters, and "to muddy the waters" means someone is making a situation less clear or more complicated than it actually is. And I think the person who was shooting the indirect shots (from the garage) is the one muddying the waters. This song isn't aimed at one person, it's aimed at multiple people.
Also, "the leeches'll cut us"? Not "cut me". Sure, could just be for the rhyme scheme's sake, but... The person making the indirect shots is getting cut as well? Hmm. Are the leeches hurting the culture as a whole or these two individual people (Knox and the garage shooter)?

You not like us

Don't tell me about Vlad, I know he a sucker

Edit: Knox said "you not like us", and this guy said "they not like us":, and Kendrick did a diss called Not Like Us... I think these are all related.

Vlad the Impaler is the real life person Dracula is based on. Dracula is a vampire, he's a bloodsucker. Much like leeches.

Googled "vlad hiphop" and found a guy called DJ Vlad, apparently people don't like him very much. Idk why, this is the first time I hear about him. But I think Knox is calling him a leech. 

I'm raisin the stakes, I'm waitin for sun up

Quit movin ya fingers

The Ringer I'm one up

The come up, I'm comin

Quit duckin I'm huntin this summer

My blood up get runnin

To raise the stakes = "to increase the reward in a competition you're competing in" or "to make a situation more urgent or difficult to ignore". (Source:

Also, vampires are killed by piercing their hearts with stakes.

I don't know what The Ringer is. I found a sports and pop culture website that Spotify apparently bought a few years ago, and a movie. So, I'm missing a double, cause Idk which The Ringer he's talking about. Probably the website, it'd make more sense telling them to stop "moving their fingers", stop typing.

Knox has one finger up for these guys, but I doubt it's his ring finger, despite the lyrics. Ain't the thumb either.

Knox is also one up compared to them, to me it sounds like "one step ahead", figuratively, but also like in a staircase, if you're one step ahead someone else, you're one step more "up" on the stairs... Idk if this was an intentional piece of wordplay, but it's one I found.

And Knox is done with these guys, he's (figuratively - can't believe I have to clarify, but there be some haters out there and... well...) going to hunt them down this summer. Shooting them "ducks" and making stakes out of them. 

Greed is the coal for the soul 

You can earn/urn dirty and burn for the toll

What is the road

And what is the outcome

Say you got drive

What is the value

Whip like your verse:

Depreciate worth

They wantin a battle

Heard/Herd it was beef

You one of the cattle

Tail/Tale him he tattle

"Greed is the coal for the soul". Wow. Poetry.
Greed makes the soul dark and dirty and stained, but coal is also highly flammable, so the greed will easily make your soul burn... Like, make you passionately angry or aggressive with the greed, or quick to anger if there's any friction, and in the end, it will destroy your soul.

Tried googling "burn for the toll", but I don't think what I found is what Knox means here.

If you're cremated after your death, it means you're burned until you're nothing but ashes, and those ashes are placed in an urn. 

Road, drive, whip - car related words. I learned the slang word "whip" for cars from a Knox song (Killshot Remix).

"What is the road and what is the outcome", like what is the journey, the steps that took you where you are now.

To have a drive for something is to have passion and enthusiasm for something. I have a drive to learn more about hiphop, even if I doubt myself and my abilities to learn about it all the time.

"Depreciate", like the opposite of "appreciate"? I just learned a new word.

"Heard/it was beef / you one of the cattle / tail/tale him he tattle"... So, Knox or someone heard there's beef, there's an argument between two rappers. But there's a double for beef, like a piece of meet. Cattle is the animal before it becomes beef (god this is hard to explain in English, lol! in Finnish both this particular animal, cattle/cows/bulls/oxes and the meat product made of these animals are called "nauta", although the meat product is often called "naudanliha" = "meat of cattle"...). And cattle has tails. This goes back to the hunting bars Knox had before, since this guy isn't the one participating in the beef, he IS the beef, he's the thing they're fighting about, and if you "tail him", if you follow him, or chase him with a hunting rifle, he will become a "tattle tale", a snitch. He will tell on other people if put under enough pressure.


Knox Hill

I mean, the lines speak for themselves, right?

I don't gotta tell you [who] one of the best is

Chaos Theory 2 is comin

 Sure, the lines speak. I understand some, and whoever it's directed at will probably understand more.


This breakdown actually turned out ok! I didn't understand everything, but I don't think anyone else is going to understand everything, except Knox. Art is always relative, people see what they want and interpret it from their own perspective. This is my interpretation, and I didn't even stray too far from topic in the breakdown :D I'm still leaving the quotations on it, because I already did those on yesterday's post. I think I need to start writing the post first and then assess if it was actually a proper breakdown, a "breakdown" or if I didn't really get it and just babbled about other stuff...


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