Why the look of this blog changed

 So, I'm trying to figure out this issue.
When you look up an artist on the search box or tags of this blog, it shows every single time I've written about that artist, even if I've just mentioned them, as it should. But. It shows the entirety of each post, and my posts are generally really fucking long, so if a person is just trying to scroll the headlines of posts, they cannot do that.

Trying to figure out if I can change that, I found out that whether the blog shows just the headline, the headline and little bit of text, or the entire text, is tied to the chosen Theme of the blog. It's written in the HTML code of the Theme. If I had the skills, I could alter the HTML code, Blogger allows me to do that, but unfortunately, I don't know how to do that. 

Blogger has these Themes that determine what your blog looks like. There's some room for variation within each theme, but not as much as I'd like. I chose this new Theme because it fixes the issue I had, but I do not like how the blog looks like right now. So, the look of the blog will change again, once I find a Theme that does what I want and also looks like I want it to look...
