Weekly Recap (Jan 22nd - 28th, 2024)

Discover Weekly
- ZILLION - Potluck Lunch For Cannibals (Rap? Check. Metal? Check. Gen Z and catchy as hell? Check. Still manages to be weird? Check.)
- Nathan James - Appetite (Similar vibe to Nine Inch Nail's Closer.)
- BAYBE - Stray Dogs (Being every genre at once seems to be a theme today.)
- Simon Curtis - Flesh (Very catchy. If I heard this at a club, I'd get all hyped up and dance throughout the whole song.)
- Kim Dracula - Land of the Sun (One of the few Kim Dracula songs I've heard and liked! He's so truly unique, no one sounds like him, it's always a wild ride... I just have a personal problem with his voice, I don't usually like it.)
- Goodnight Nurse - Milkshake (A Kelis cover. Sung by a man. It makes the lyrics sound... Different 🤣)
- Butcher Babies - Monster's Ball (Wow, those screams! I remember hearing another song and that one was much... lighter.. = not as heavy, more rock)
- 2 Shadows - Blackened Wings (Raaaaawr!! 🤟🏻)
- DAMAG3 ft. Changeline - G3NOCID3 
- King 810 - say cheese and die
- Death Blooms - Shut Up (More raaaaawrr music 🖤)

Just heard yesterday that Orbit Culture got signed to Century Media. That's cool, good for them! I like Orbit Culture and Century Media is a good, metal-focused label. I wouldn't mind if Orbit Culture blew up :D

Release Radar
- Knox Hill - Family Curse (It's a pretty good song, I made a Initial Reaction post on it. Still reminds me of What Remains of Edith Finch. And I loved that video game, so that's a good thing. I'm a big fan of indie game developers in general, I'd say my favorite company is Rusty Lake and favorite individual game designer is Mr Nannings, on Newgrounds.)
- Julma Henri, Asa & Jiiaa - Rikosrekisteri 2 (So cool that they made a new version, updating us where they've gotten since the release of the original Rikosrekisteri in 2007. I hadn't realized before that Asa was on the original track as well - in hindsight, his flow is his typical flow, though, and the lyrics aren't too far off from his solo work, either. I just wasn't that much into rap back then myself, I just happened to have a friend who was into Finnish underground rap.)
- Bad Omens ft. Poppy - V.A.N (Ok, cool! Metalheads still don't seem to be too stoked about female metal artists, who present feminine, like Poppy, Scene Queen and Banshee, despite their careers blowing up among female metalheads and metal related publications writing about how awesome they are. But I'm glad metal artists and/or record labels are a bit better! Also, Poppy's best screams to date! Omfg! Had to listen the song a second time in a row to truly enjoy it! She's kinda rapping as well?)
- Snow Tha Product - Gimme Time
- Sect Unit ft. VVS - Kill Bill V2
- Unlike Pluto - Dig
- Lyrical Lemonade ft. Eminem - Doomsday Pt. 2
- Cassyette - Ipecac (It's an ok rock song. I prefer it when she does metal screams or raps.)
- Pihka Is My Name - The Silent Majority (Their songs have certain vibe to them that no one else has.)
- Heartsick Heroine - Kiss the Ring (Oh yey, Spotify is picking up that I'm steering back towards metal after a year in the hiphop world. Her voice kinda reminds me of Noora Louhimo from Battle Beast.)
- Berried Alive - PETRIFIED ORANGE (🖤)
- Anthony Ray - Nothing (Ok, THE BEST hiphop song on this list today - no offense, Knox and Em, this is just more my style...)
- I A Toyah ft. The Anix - Panic Room (Ok, this is kinda cool! Makes me want to close my eyes and dance.)

Knox Hill just dropped a video on Saturday of a new song Tom McDonald and Ben Sh*piro did together and I'm... something. ANYTHING to do with Ben Shit-spiral just grinds my gears the wrong way, so I am CERTAIN I won't be listening to Tom anymore, and am kinda on the edge about Nova Rockafeller (Tom's gf) and Knox as well of associating themselves with this in any way... I won't boycott Nova, but will probs be less active as her fan bc of this, and I will see Knox's reaction at some point when I have thought about this enough on my own and hear him out - who knows, maybe he's here just for the drama or to diss Ben, like the leftist creators I know are..?
I've been thinking about turning off notifications on Knox's videos anyway, I rarely watch them anymore. Nothing personal against him (for now at least... we'll see how I feel after seeing Ben Shithead on the channel), I just feel like I'm not getting anything out of the channel anymore. I still like his music and am gonna follow his his career in the future (assuming he's not siding with the shithead).
-- Here's my thoughts on the song and on Knox's reaction, I decided to watch it now.
- Tom said there's only two genders. Yes, in basic biology, that they teach to freakin ELEMENTARY SCHOOL kids, there is. As most things in school go, more complex topics are taught later, when the students are old enough to understand them. Gender is one of these things. In elementary school biology, they teach about males and females, the two sexes that most people are classified as. Later, they teach about intersex people and gender identities such as transgender identitites (including nonbinary gender identities), because those consepts are a bit harder to understand...
- Knox basically said "whatever makes you comfortable, I'm fine with it". Which is ok. Still, denying scientific facts, but not as badly as Tom.
- Tom said something about pride flags being more prominent than USA flags - first of all, he's Canadian... he's just like those white people that claim something is racist towards black people, without asking a black person about it first. I think it's about the context and about national culture. In Finland, there are literal laws about when you wave the Finnish flag and how you do it. No one replaces it with a rainbow flag in those occasions. There are certain dates you wave the Finnish flag and on those certain dates, certain times you're supposed to put it up and take it down; and if someone dies on the premise you wave the flag half down the pole whether it's a "flag day" or not. Pride flag is used on June (the pride month) and on similar occasions, when the premise wants to show its support towards the LGBTQ+ community. There are no regulations.
- "Be conscious of what you listen to..." (is presumably what Knox meant, even though it sounded like he said "cognitive".)
I am literally going to do just that... Cutting Tom off completely for associating with Ben Shit-storm and giving Nova (Tom's gf) and Knox less attention - I was gonna do that to Knox's channel anyway, so on him, this isn't such a big deal. It's just coincidental that I happen to drift off around the same time that he's reacting to the shitheads. I do still support him and his music, for now. I'm very much a leftist and he gives me an alternative opinion to consider against all the far-left media I encounter...
I WILL NOT listen to people hating on me or any of my fellow human beings, or spreading misinformation about us as "Facts". This grinds my gears not only as a human being who cares about the well-being of other human beings (unlike Ben), and as a nonbinary person, but also as a librarian. I am literally an expert in looking for information. Finding out nonbinary people exist is not that hard, bro 😂


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