Ashnikko - Thrust (Lyrical Breakdown)
I'm just a teenage sass pants
I'm just a teenage sass pants
I'm just a teenage sass pants
She was probably a teenager when this was written. It's from her first EP Sass Pancakes, which was released in 2017, when she was 21. The intro could also be an indication that this is something that happened to her when she was a teen.
Oh, it's candid you caught me, I always make it happen
Gave him a Hollywood smile and he liked my accent
One of my favorite Ashnikko bars. "Game him a Hollywood smile and he liked my accent". How women are expected to just smile and be pretty, especially in the entertainment industry, in Hollywood. Women are treated like objects - they have to be certain size, they're dressed up to certain standards and rules, their hair is perfect, their makeup is flawless, and then they just smile and wave at the cameras. Objects don't have opinions either, they can't talk.
And he liked what she was "saying" - the perfection, the flawlessness, the compliance...
"Candid" means "a photograph of a person, taken informally, without the subject's knowledge", like the tv show Candid Camera. Or paparazzies in Hollywood.
You fiendin' little boy? I know you need some
Plus-sized pudgy boys, Tweedle-dee-dum
Get to snacking and battle axin'
Out of breath and you heart-attackin'
She saying "You want some of this?" but it's sort of cheeky. He wants to sleep with her (he's fiending = desiring greatly), but she wantst to fight.
And she's calling him fat. He's plus-sized, pudgy, snacking, out of breath and having a heart attack. Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum are characters from Alice in Wonderland, they're fat twin boys.
But also, Ash is a breath-taking, heart-throbbing snack. She's hot.
Circle-whacking, who gets to take Rome?
None of y'all motherfuckers, pack up and go home
Panting like puppies, you love the taste
I'll be around for a while, cool the haste
Hot stuff, wants me to call him boss
Well I'm a habanero pepper, you can lick my sauce
Ooh, you can lick my sauce
If you don't know what circle whacking is (and you're over 18), google it.
Ash is Rome and none of them get to take her.
They're fat / she's hot, so they're panting like puppies.
But there's no rush, Ash ain't going anywhere. Her career's gonna last for many many years. ^^
There's a double in "cool the haste", like chill, I ain't going nowhere, but also "cool" like cold, and then "hot stuff" = Ash.
So, all my cool kittens put your claws in the sky
Stub out your joints like it's four twenty-five
And give me somethin' I can thrust to
Give me somethin' I can thrust to
Boys, put your drawers in the sky
Fly 'em like a flag on the Fourth of July
Give me somethin' I can thrust to
Do I done does this thing? Yeah, I must do
Ash is pansexual, she's into people of all genders. Both "cool kittens" and boys. She's telling all the people to put their hands up in the air, but there's also sexual innuendos "hidden" in there. Actual cat babies, kittens, have four paws, and if they're putting all their claws in the sky, they're on their back, with all their limbs in the air. But it's girls - kitten, pussy, vagina... 'Kitty' is just a more subtle word for the same thing.
And "drawers" is a slang word for underpants, and she's asking boys to take their drawers off and wave them in the air.
(99% probs already know this, but 4th of July is Independence Day in the USA and they fly the flag. I like explaining even the most obvious bars, you never know when something is not obvious to someone else.)
In short, everyone is getting naked and frisky. And Ash is into it.
Ooh, I'm a saucy salad and I'd like you to toss me
Us three can doodle bop in some soft sheets
Saucy, like "spicy", sexual. But also, wet. "Tossing the salad" is a slang for annilingus, aka licking someone else's butthole to please them sexually.
But also, salad can have a sauce, a dressing, on it. So it's a double.
Apparently, The Doodlebops is a kids' tv show about a rock band. Ash does like to reference kids' and teens' tv shows and movies, especially the ones she grew up watching (1990s/2000s shows).
But it also sounds like a dance. Some horizontal mambo, in this case. A threesome.
Fuckin' obscure, you can blink and miss it
Think I'll pay him a visit, my life coach is in prison
Not entirely sure what she means here. If I figure it out some day, I'll come back here and break it down.
And I have a staring problem, my gazes linger
Bug-eyed glasses, thick and chubby, baby fingers
A lingering gaze is when you cannot stop staring at someone because they're so hot, even when you know it's rude to stare.
Ash is a very visual writer and we see that here: she's staring the person so much she feels like her eyes are humonhous, like when this kind of situation happens in a cartoon. The same effect happens in real life, when you're far-sighted (you can't see near) and you wear glasses - the lenses make your eyes look huge, like that of a bug's. She's describing the lenses being as thick as baby fingers.
Lips lockin' like I'm glued to your mouth
Gave your girlfriend head on my studio couch
Wow, it's a scandal how can a world handle
A foul-mouth girl with a plan to dismantle
Your ideas of what ladies should do?
I don't owe you shit, I'll bid you adieu
Lips locking means kissing.
Also, this is a true story. Ash had a crush on a girl who had a boyfriend. Ash and the girl had sex. The girl then went back to her boyfriend, breaking Ash's heart. She references this same incident in her song Slumber Party: "Me and your girlfriend playing dress up in my house. I gave your girlfriend cunnilingus on my couch".
Ash doesn't give a fuck what a lady should or shouldn't do. Ladies "shouldn't" be gross, talk about sex, enjoy sex, be queer, participate in cheating, etc etc. She considers herself free of such societal expectations. She's not bothered to act like a lady, she prefers being herself and letting her actions speak for themselves, rather than someone else predetermining how she should behave and what she should be like. "Be the change you want to see in the world". If you don't like her, too bad. She doesn't owe you anything. Leave her be and move on with your life.
You a salty little pretzel, I ain't aimin' to please
Post-lunch snacking, dip you in nacho cheese, ayy
A double/triple; pretzels are salty snacks you can dip in cheese and eat, a person being salty is slang for them being resentful or irritated, and someone being a snack is slang for them being sexy - the person's "a snack" and Ash is "eating" them. Or, like, "swallowing them whole", like "I eat guys like you for breakfast" kinda situation. "Nacho" also sounds like "not your". F you if you don't like her, she's not yours and doesn't care.
Do I done does this thing? Yeah, I must do
Do I done does this thing? Yeah, I must do
Do I done does this thing? Yeah, I must do
Machete for a tongue, it's a jungle I cut through
Just like a jungle has a lot of trees and plants to cut through, but it's easy to move when you got the right tools, Ash has a lot to say about her surroundings and a sharp tongue (=she's unkind but clever).
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