Tidying up the Three Song Listen list

So, I've noticed I have a bunch of artists and bands on my Three Song Listen list I've already heard three or more songs from since I put them on the list, and I thought it'd be a good idea to go through the list and make a colloqual post where I talk about all of them and then take them off the list. These are in chronological order - artists I put on the list first are first.

I've heard 10 songs from Stoneside: Avalanche, Dirt Road, Foothills, Exonerate, Last Flowers to the Gravestone (Robbie's Song), A History of Violence, God Save the King, One Day as a Wolf, No Shelter and When they took you.
Their music is like... melodic, more-or-less progressive gothic doom, but occasionally it's much more intense (definitely not doom)... :D Some songs have screaming vocals. Perfect. Right up my alley. They also have electronic music components occasionally. So, in summary, I'd say they're modern gothic metal or alternative metal. Songs have hooks, but not those hip hop style hooks, where they just repeat a word or a phrase, annoying me. Stoneside.'s hooks are the kinds melodic metal uses - a catchy chorus and/or an instrument repeating a melody several times in the song. 
I googled and the band is independent and consists of two multi-instrumentalists, who only go by aliases Crane and Wheeler. They founded the band in 2020.
Their website describes their music: "Stoneside is an independent music project based out of rural Texas, focused on bringing into this world the stories of those who have passed from it. The music is as haunting, emotional, raw and beautiful as the stories that it gives voice to; combining elements of a range of genres including alternative rock, prog-metal, ambient and electronic, the genres and song structures are fluid and ever-changing; they are merely a tool of the messenger."
Since the band's only existed for under three years so far and I already like 10 songs, I feel confident moving them to the Deep Dive list.

Cain is the first Tiamat song I heard. I was a teenager and it was either a random compilation cd from my local library or a random song YouTube recommended me.
Other songs I've heard since then are Love in Chains and Brighter Than the Sun.
Gothic rock or gothic metal seem to be the most common describtions for their music. 
I might check out more of their music in the future, but it's not like I'm gonna forget their existence. Also, they apparently haven't done music in about 10 years, so there's no rush. Old music isn't going anywhere and if they're not relesing new stuff... I'd rather focus on music been released now.

I've heard MY NAME IS BAYBE, Speak of the Devil and Father, Son, Holy Ghost.
I do like her, it's just... she seems like a record label product. I don't know if she writes her own stuff, whose idea was to take a girl, make her do pop, rap, softcore metal combo in a baby face... it seems gimmicky. Not authentic. But it is entertaining. Like pop is supposed to be. We'll see if she is different enough from other artists, though, to stand out and blow up.
The rap and occasional metal screams interest me enough, though... Fine. She's on the Deep Dive list.

I've heard Freaks & Animals, Omega, Turning Sheep into Goats and Landmines.
It's progressive metal, but I can't name a single band that sounds exactly like them - it's the singer, he has a very unique voice and style...
I especially love the first song. They certainly do deserve a proper Deep Dive.
