Dorian Electra - Fanfare album (Initial Thoughts)

Symphony is ok. The idea isn't dawning on me immediatelly, though.
I've heard Idolize before. It's fine as well. Not Dorian's best, but catchy.
Freak Mode is great. Vocals are catchy and I love the vibe. Weird, but a bit menacing at times. And the rock elements, heavy guitars and such.
Sodom & Gomorrah is one of my favourites from Dorian. It's at the same time a celebration of queer sex, but also a commentary on how companies and media take advantage of queer people not having much representation and sell us all this stuff we don't need. And we're so starved for attention we take everything we can, even the bad representation (i.e. "bury your gays). Queer sex is also made into a consumable product for the straight cis audience - i.e. yaoi (gay male anime porn) for straight women and lesbian porn for straight men. 
Puppet is also very catchy, like Dorian songs usually. There's a bit too much of the hook/chorus.
Manmade Horrors. Immediatelly, I'm in love. I need to look at the lyrics again, I'm too focused on the musical aspects rn... They're almost rapping!
Yes Man is quite repetitive, but I guess that's the point... Them repeating "yes" over and over. The song got more interesting later, though. It's also 5,5min long... Very long for a Dorian song.
I like anon. I've heard it before.
Phonies is interesting. Deserves a second, more proper listen. Same thing with Touch Grass.
Lifetime is sonically interesting, but lyrically it didn't hit me, at least not yet.
Warning Signs is a bit more of a storytelling track. 
Wanna Be a Star has a message. (And pretty decent screams.) I think I want to do a lyrical breakdown on this. I haven't done those in a while, though... They take so much time and if I don't finish on one sitting, I don't finnish...
