Weekly Recap (Sept 18th-24th, 2023)
Discover Weekly
- I didn't like the LÄHIÖBOTOX song on my list, but had a feeling they'd have a better one (I've never heard of them before, they're a Finnish band combining metal and rap. I liked the song Rikkinäinen Suomi (engl. Broken Finland).
- Ethel Cain - Unpunishable (She's recommended to me because she was a featuring artist on Ashnikko's album Weedkiller, on the closing track Dying Star. Music's not something I'd seek out on my own, but I like her voice.)
- Harakiri for the Sky - My Bones to the Sea (The singing's a bit monotone, but I like the instrumentals.)
- Vana - Foggy Windows (Very pleasant voice.)
- Khemmis - In the Pines (A total rip off of My Girl, which I know by Nirvana, but I think is a cover... But I like both.)
- Primordial - Pilmgrimage to the World's End (A perfectly decent prog metal song. Would deserve a more proper listen, though. I'm not in the mood for new music rn, I'm just skimming through this Spotify list, being very critical of all the songs, lol.)
Chrissy Chlapecka! Apparently she's big on Tiktok... She has only four songs out so far. Very queer, very hyperpop, very camp. Can't wait to see where this is going.
Personally, I don't think the bigger audience is gonna get her, but the hyperpop scene (which is very queer) will get it and she'll gain success within those circles.
Release Radar
- Ian Taylor - Pompeii (Beat 10/10, rapping skills 10/10, lyrics... they're nothing new under the Sun - and yes, using this phrase was intentional - typical boasty rap stuff, but then again, the entire song is a double/triple that more or less works all the way through, which is ambitious and skillful... It's a fun song. 9/10.)
- Scene Queen - Pink Push-Up Bra (This dropped on Wednesday, when I was heading home from an evening shift at work. I listened to it multiple times in a row but couldn't form thoughts so I didn't write anything here. It's a very good song. Very metal, good lyrics, etc.
Pushing the word 'pink' everywhere is a feminist power move, I get it, but she wouldn't need it... The Valley girl and Barbie aesthetics are punk enough, to piss people off and then question themselves on WHY they hate hyperfemininity so much, we don't need the word 'pink' everywhere anymore, it's starting to seem forced... But I guess that's the point. Pissing people off, especially the scene subculture and metalheads and their 'bro culture', with forcing the word 'pink' on every fucking title...
The lyrics are a sexual assault revenge fantasy. She's re-imagining a scene, where the assault victim would keep a gun in her bra and then bra-bra-bra that fucker's brains out. The doubles work nicely, with the "bra" and "click" as gun sounds but also as the word "bra" and "undo the bra clip" as she pulls out the gun... Not her best word play, but it's unique, a bit weird, and it works, so... I'm wondering about the "push up daisies", though... Is it a shoutout to Ashnikko's Daisy, which is also a sexual assault revenge fantasy song? Is it a reference to Daisy Duke, a character known for her 'assets'? Or just a simple double, because flowers push up from the ground on the fucker's grave and push-up bras push up the boobs? Idk. The music video is a reimagining of Legally Blonde, where Callahan gets what's coming for him after assaulting Elle.)
- In This Moment - Army of Me (The visualizer has been sitting on my notifications for a couple of days now, unopened... We'll see if I watch it or swipe it off... Depends on how good the song is...
I don't like "baby" voice she has here and the effects... Why? You have a beautiful voice, the ethereal witch thing and the screams are so good... If I didn't know what she can do, though, it'd be better...)
- Token feat. Suave Lee - ROOKIE (An EDM beat and proper rapping..? Ok. Sure. I like it.)
- Stoneside. - Last Flowers to the Gravestone (Robbie's Song) (When he screamed, I was sold. A very stripped back, melodic post-metal sound. It's quite long, over 7min, so I won't probably come back to it that often, but... I like it, nonetheless. And it's progressive enough to keep it interesting.)
- Celldweller feat. Styles of Beyond - Shapeshifter - Zardonic & Pythius Remix (Celldweller still failing to make a bad song 😉)
- Artio - Wallflower (A catchy rock song. It got better near the end, the beginning was a bit generic.)
- lonelyboy - have you ever (Another lo-fi The Offspring cover? Cool! Did he do an entire album? Cause I'd listen to it!)
- Otep - Pet (Hmm. This was a bit better than her songs have been lately. No "her age is showing" moments. Whispers gave me chills and the screams were nice.)
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