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Weekly Recap (June 17th-23rd, 2024)

Discover Weekly - WARGASM (UK) - Death Rattle (🤟) - Blood Orchid - Gutter Babe - Jayden Hammer - Obedience - Hand of Juno - Destroy The Line - Holy Wars - BODY//TEMPLE - Black Heaven - Am I Dead  - Hatchrr ft. Stephen Geisler - Witches Burn Slow (It would be The Vibe, but we don't burn the witches, we are the witches and we either burn you or if we burn, we burn with passion, not going down quietly.) - Indigo Blaze - We Don't Miss (Music for the ex nu metal kids) - Port Noir - Emerald Green - Cemetery Sun - Sabotage - Dav Dralleon - A Cosmic Sacrifice to Dagon - Alive In Stone - She's The Blade (I like the distortion he puts in his screams.) - Cvlt Ov the Svn - The Murderer (I really like their music. It's a bit like Ghost, but has more street cred - it's the black metal influences, I think. They're more obvious in Cvlt Ov the Svn's music than Ghost's.) - Frostbitt - Death God (I didn't think I'd ever say this about anyone, but he sounds like Se

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