Knox Hill - Stalker (Scru Face Jean Diss) (Initial Thoughts)

Just dropped another one 45min ago. I don't have time for this. I just gave up trying to break down the previous diss in one day (I also worked for 7h and went to the gym afterwards, but still). I'm drunk and tired and have plans tomorrow. But fine. I'll listen to your diss... AGAIN.
I love you and I hate you. <3


I agree with Scru, wtf?? FUCK Ben Shapiro and FUCK Tom McDonald. Anti-trans motherfuckers. 

Lol. In the first 20sec, Scru is contradicting himself. Acting all nice to Tom, despite having bars against him. Fuck Scru, too. I hate all three of you.

Another Bible verse, I didn't yet even write about the previous one, since it's at the very end of the song. This one's "Jean" 1:08 = John 1:08:

"If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us."

The convo in the begging - "I had it all set up" :'D
I guess Scru didn't answer in a timely manner.

You know what's funny? Knox JUST had a bar about being offline etc, in a song he released recently. And then he insists people jump onto beefs within 24h. 

I've sometimes wondered if he dissed me, what would he say and what would I respond. I don't want to reveal my cards just yet, but... What if I was not checking my phone for 24h when he did? Because I have. Again, just in case, don't want to reveal what I'd do. But.
This probably stems from this thing my brain is doing, where it imagines bad things people might say to me, and how I'd respond to them. Just learned that this is normal, as well. It's healthier than just having the negative self-talk without the "shower thoughts" comebacks.

Knox starts telling this (hopefully made up) story about showing up on Ez Mil's doorstep, because Knox had already made videos of him before the recent signing to Em's label and the fame.
I dug some information on Scru while breaking down the previous diss and he did something similar - he made some kinda deal with Dax, where he paid Dax, but Dax didn't hold up in his end of the deal. And then Scru made a similar deal with a couple of creators who are smaller than he is, but didn't hold his side of the deal. This is my source:

"Scru with them" 😂 lol

Knox said he's from Nigeria, etc... Is he cosplaying as Scru?
Yes he is, now he's talking about himself in 3rd person.

"I can find some" ways to call him racist or however that bar went. Yeah! This is exactly what these kind of people do. They pick and choose what to say about someone to further their own narrative. I didn't get that far in the previous one's lyrics, but boy, DO I GOT SOME EXAMPLES. I just hope I remember them all if I ever get there. I feel like Knox is gonna drop a third song, and I might just give up... I do have a life. I'm not a stalker.


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