Knox Hill - Sean Jean - Scru Face Jean Diss (Initial Thoughts)

 Completing the trilogy, finally. Me, that is. Knox already published this last week. I just had too much going on in my own life outside this blog to get to this yet. But here I finally am. Don't have much time, though, around 15-20min to get through this and breakfast. So lets get to it!

It's a hecking 7min song! These notes are gonna be very quick notes. :D

BuT tHiNk Of ThE cHiLdReN lmao xD oh gosh, his sense of humor is just... <3 Nasty Knox at it again.

No beat? Cool, never heard him do that before! Inner metronome for the win!

Very cool doubles as well, keeping up with the Bible etc religious scheme. Wish I had time to break down these lyrics now. Maybe some day in the near future...

The flow halfway the song <3 Ah, so good!!

3-4 beat changes? Lol, no wonder it's over 7min

👏👏👏 Great song. Now I can start my week knowing that I finished what was supposed to be done last week. (Well, except Weekly Recap, I didn't get to Release Radar on Friday, partially because I was anxious if this song was gonna be there or the previous one. I'll get to last week's Release Radar and Weekly Recap once I get on the bus today.)

Gotta go, finish my coffee and pack and shit, bus for work leaves in 10min.


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